Plan Granularity

Granularity is the smallest unit of time for APS to plan (in minutes). The APS planner has been optimized over time to use a granularity of 1 minute. This unit is the smallest "bucket" of time that can be reserved in the plan. A resource will be either idle or busy for this unit of time. If a particular job takes less time than the granularity setting, the system plans 1 unit of granularity anyway.

For example, if the Plan Granularity is 1 minute, and the operation takes 30 seconds, the system plans the resource as being busy for 1 minute. Or, if the operation takes 12.5 minutes, the system plans 13 minutes.

Note: Operations that have a combined setup and run time of 0 are planned with a length equal to the Plan Granularity value of 1 minute. The system rounds up all other operation durations, whether fixed or per piece basis, to the next granularity unit.