Orders: Demand Time

Enter the hour and minute on which all demand orders and job/production schedule supply orders are due on the date they are due. The system does not track the time of day on dates associated with orders, but the APS planning functions plan at a detailed level of time. Therefore, you must specify the time so the planning functions have that information.

For example, if you enter 01:30, the system sees all customer orders at 01:30 on the date when they are entered. Enter the time in 24-hour format.

Note: The Supply Time field applies to supply orders such as job supplies, subcomponent demands, purchase requisitions, purchase orders, and transfer order supplies (see “Orders: Supply Time” for more information). The Supply Time should always be earlier than the Demand Time. For efficiency, the Supply Time should be as close to the Demand Time as possible (the default Supply Time is 00:59, which is one minute before the default Demand Time). This way, the system enters supply orders into the plan before demand orders, which need to consume the supply.

For all demand order types, this parameter does not affect the order entry date. The system does not send a date or time for the order entry date. The APS function uses the current system date and time at the time they load the order. The exception is customer orders, for which the system sends the Order Date from the Customer Orders form, and the time you enter in the Demand Time parameter.

Default: 01:00