About This Guide

This document provides a detailed guide to configuring APS by describing the fields in the Planning Parameters and APS Order Priority forms. This description includes referencing other parameters on other forms that are related to the fields on these forms. Other forms referenced in this document are Resources, Resource Groups, Items, Customer Orders, Current Materials, and Job Materials. In addition, a few parameters not available on SyteLine forms are described in this document. This document is not meant to describe all facets of APS, only those considered configuration fields. A discussion of the definition of each field is provided, along with the default setting with rationale for those defaults when appropriate. When a different default value is recommended for APS vs. Infinite APS, it is noted. There are only three parameters that fall into that category: Use Scheduled Times in Planning , Plan Materials At Operation Start, and Supply Usage Tolerance. In each case, the default is the Infinite APS value and you must manually change the value for the APS case.