Customer Orders - Pull Up Order

Select this field to specify that, during a Get ATP/CTP process or during a run of the APS Planning activity, the system should attempt to plan the order line to meet its Request Date, (that is, it pull plans from the Request Date) (see “About Pull Planning” for more information). If that plan is not successful, the system attempts to meet the order line's Due Date. If it can achieve the Due Date, the system incrementally attempts to improve the plan between the Request Date and Due Date. If the system cannot plan the order line at least by the Due Date, it push plans (See “About Push Planning” for more information) the line item from the current date out to the as-soon-as-possible date.

This field affects all order lines on the order. To force a particular order line to ignore this field, set the order line's Due Date equal to its Request Date. If the Pull Up Orders field on the Customers form is selected for this customer, the Pull Up Order field for this order will be selected automatically.

Note: The Pull Up Order option does not override the normal order priority hierarchy defined on the APS Order Priority form. That is, this order line will not be pulled up at the expense of higher-priority demands.

Parameters Related to Safety Stock Replenishment

The following parameters appear on either the Planning Parameters form (and affect ALL items) or on the Items form. They either affect the way the system generates planned orders to replenish safety stock or the system uses them along with the safety stock value to calculate a value used for another feature.

Parameter Appears on...
Consider Negative On Hand Planning Parameters
Purchased Supply Switching N/A
Generate Purchase Order Exceptions N/A
Suspend Time Fence (Second Pull) Planning Parameters
Order Minimum Items
Order Multiple Items
Time Fence Rule (see “Items - Time Fence Rule” for more information) Items
Time Fence Value (see “Items - Time Fence Value” for more information) Items