The Lead Time Processor Algorithm

The purpose of the Lead Time Processor utility is to calculate an item's fixed and variable lead times using the Duration of the operations that make up its current routing. The fixed lead time is expressed in days. The variable lead time is expressed in hours and is the run time for one piece. The basic algorithm follows.

Fixed Lead Time

Here's the algorithm the Lead Time Processor uses to calculate Fixed Lead Time.

  1. Sums the setup, move, queue, and finish hours on all operations in the item's current routing.
  2. Divides the total by the average hours in a day on the DSC shift (the "default" shift).
  3. Rounds to the nearest whole number.
  4. Posts the resulting number of days into the Fixed Lead Time field in the Item record.

Variable Lead Time

Here's the algorithm the Lead Time Processor uses to calculate Variable Lead Time.

  1. Sums the run duration on all operations in the item's current routing.
  2. Multiplies the total by 100 / the operation's Efficiency percentage.
  3. Rounds to the nearest whole number.
  4. Posts the resulting number of hours into the Variable Lead Time field in the Item record.

Fixed Schedule Hours

If an operation has a value in the Fixed Sched Hrs field, the Lead Time Processor adds that figure to the fixed lead time in place of using the move, queue, setup, run, and finish time.