Current Materials - Alternate Group

You can set up an operation in an item's current routing to be able to pick from a group of alternate materials when the APS Planning activity projects the primary material to be late. When APS plans a demand and the primary material is late, the system substitutes an alternate material from the alternate group you defined for the operation. See Use Latest Pull for Alternate (see “Use Latest Pull for Alternate Items” for more information) Items for details about how the system plans alternate materials.

Use the Alt Group field to define a group of alternate materials for an operation. Items with the same Alt Group that are listed on the same operation are considered to be a set of alternate items. An operation can have more than one alternate group. An item is not an alternate material if the Alt Group Rank (see “Current Materials - Alternate Group Rank” for more information) is 0.

The Alt Group field defaults to the number in the material's Seq field. You can change this field only when you are adding the material to the operation.

Note: Items with the Configuration Flag selected on the Items form cannot have alternate materials. Also, items in an alternate group must be defined on the Items form (they must be inventoried items).