Fences: MPS Plan Fence

Enter the number of calendar days into the future (starting from today) that the MPS Processor can automatically create and maintain MPS receipts based on the outstanding demands for an item. This value is used when the MPS Processor is run.

When processing an MPS item, the system first determines which MPS Plan Fence setting to use, starting with the MPS Plan Fence defined on the Items record, then the Family Code level, and finally the Planning Parameters. At any point in this validation process, once the system determines an MPS Plan Fence value, it uses that setting for the item regardless of other settings defined at a higher level.

When the system processes receipts and demands that are due prior to the current date + the MPS Plan Fence, it generates exception messages as necessary. For example, it generates the exception "Add MPS Order" if there are more requirements than quantity on-hand + receipts. For requirements due after the current date + the MPS Plan Fence, the system automatically creates MPS receipts for the item to cover any unsatisfied demand quantities.

If the MPS Plan Fence is blank, the processor generates exception messages as needed.

On the Master Production Schedule form, the MPS Plan Fence displays from the Family Code, Items, or Planning Parameters form, depending on where the system obtained the value.

Default: Blank