Planning Site

Select the site location you are defining for Global APS Planning. The list of sites comes from those sites defined on the Sites/Entities form. The system uses this information to transfer data between the SQL Server database and the planner database in your environment. Each site in your environment must have at least one site record defined (the local site, which is the site at which you are currently defining parameters and that is defined as "Local" in the Type parameter).

The local site can contact one or more remote sites during a global run of the Planning activity or during an incremental plan that involves a component supplied by a remote site. Any site that will run the APS Planning activity in global mode must define site records for ALL sites that you want to be included in the global plan. In addition, at each of the other sites, you must define site records for every remote site that supplies a component to that local site and every remote site that will request a component from that local site.

Example: Suppose you have an end-item "A" at the local site OHIO that requires a component "B," which is produced at remote site NEWYORK. Component B requires component "C," which is produced at remote site INDIANA. To support this bill of material in a global plan, your local site's planning parameters must include three site records.

Site Records Defined at Site OHIO:

  • "Site: OHIO (Type=Local)
  • "Site: NEWYORK (Type=Remote)
  • "Site: INDIANA (Type=Remote)

Site Records Defined at Site NEWYORK:

  • "Site: NEWYORK (Type=Local)
  • "Site: OHIO (Type=Remote)
  • "Site: INDIANA (Type=Remote)

Site Records Defined at Site INDIANA:

  • "Site: INDIANA (Type=Local)
  • "Site: NEWYORK (Type=Remote)
Note: If a site that supplies a component is not defined in the local site's planning parameters, the system uses the item's lead time and transit time to plan any demands for that item.