Cross-referencing Orders

You can cross-reference (or "peg") an order to another order. For example, you might cross-reference a demand to a supply or a demand to a replenishment demand. To represent a cross-reference relationship and to ensure that the Planner allocates the supply only to the demand to which it is pegged, you must set up the database records as shown in these example relationships:

Relationship Demand or BOM Item Record Supply or Replenishment Demand Record
Demand xref’d to a supply ORDER.REFORDERID should contain the ID from MATLDELV.ORDERID Enable the XREF flag (bit19) in MATLDELV.FLAGS
Demand xref’d to a replenishment demand ORDER.REFORDERID should contain the ID from ORDER.ORDERID Enable the XREF flag (bit19) in ORDER.FLAGS
BOM item xref’d to a supply PBOMMATLS.REFORDERID should contain the ID from MATLDELV.ORDERID Enable the XREF flag (bit19) in MATLDELV.FLAGS
BOM item xref’d to a replenishment demand PBOMMATLS.REFORDERID should contain the ID from ORDER.ORDERID Enable the XREF flag (bit19) in ORDER.FLAGS
Note: You cannot cross-reference a supply to multiple demands (a cross-reference is a 1-to-1 relationship between a demand and a supply).
Note: When the Planner plans a cross-referenced demand and supply, and there is not enough supply quantity to satisfy the demand, the system allocates as much of the supply as is available and generates an exception message to alert you of the shortage.
Note: If the demand's due date is earlier than the cross-referenced supply's due date, the Planner generates the exception message "Move In Receipt."