Splitting a load at a single operation

You can split the processing of a single operation across multiple resources. For example, if you have an operation that grinds 100 items, and you have five grinders, you could specify that the Scheduler break the load up into 5 groups of 20. You specify the load split size in the JS19VR.SPLITSIZE parameter.

When a load arrives at an operation that can be split, the Scheduler processes the operation as follows:

  1. The original load quantity is broken into loads of the specified split size. The last load may be partial, depending on the quantity.
  2. The loads are processed using the resource selection logic described in "Assigning Resources and Materials to Loads." The resource selection process balances resource utilization and delivery time requirements. All resources in the associated resource group have the potential of selecting each load.
  3. After all loads have completed the operation, the Scheduler recombines them into one load.