Summary performance data

In addition to the output tables listed above, the Scheduler populates several output tables that provide general performance data about the schedule.

Table Contents
ALTSUM Performance statistics for each alternative.
BATSUM Summary information for each batch definition.
LOADPERF Performance statistics for each load.
LOADSUM Summary information for each load.
MATLDELOUT Summary information about material deliveries.
MATSHPOUT Summary information about material shipments.
MATSUM Summary information about manufactured materials.
ORDPERF Performance statistics about order completion.
ORDSUM Summary information about orders (such as average lateness, processing time, makespan, etc.).
PARTSUM Summary information about end-item completion (similar to ORDSUM).
RESSUM Summary information about resource production (such as average breakdown times, queue length, number of jobs processed, etc.).
RGRPSUM Load profile for resource groups.