Replenishing safety Stock

You define an item’s safety stock value in the MATL.MINCAP column, and it is processed in this order:

  • Before the first APS Planning step, the BOMs for all manufactured items with safety stock (MATL.MINCAP) defined are examined, and the quantity needed for any components is recorded. For each item, those quantities are added together with that item’s original safety stock quantity to become the new internal safety stock level. This new safety stock level works with the Time Fence to keep enough inventory and near-term supply available to additionally satisfy the needs of parent items with safety stock.
  • After the demands have been planned, the safety stock orders for manufactured and transfer items are planned based on the original safety stock level of the item. Each item is processed in the order specified in the item’s Low Level Code field (MATL.LOWLEVEL), on the Items form, from top to bottom. If the Safety Stock Sequence Rule is selected, a secondary sort rule is applied to items with the same Low Level Code.
  • When a safety stock order is planned, if it creates a new PLN with excess supply available, the part swapping logic evaluates future PLNs for the item. If the excess supply from the safety stock PLN can satisfy the demand of a future PLN, that future PLN is removed. Manufactured part swapping does not have to be enabled for the item for this to occur.
  • After the safety stock orders have been planned, manufactured items that have a zero safety stock level, but that gained safety stock as a result of the BOM examination, are evaluated to see if they have remaining inventory or near-term supply that was protected by a time fence. If they do, the manufactured part swapping logic determines if any future PLNs can be replaced by a use of inventory or near-term supply. Pspecifyspecifyart swapping does not have to be enabled for the item for this to occur.
  • If Days Supply is enabled, the days supply consolidation occurs and the planning process concludes. The results of the safety stock planning are consolidated with the other demands.