Realistic order completion dates

The Planner calculates realistic order completion dates. During order entry, the user creates a new order and enters a request date to determine availability. The Planner determines whether the request date can be met and provides a projected date (also known as a capable-to-promise, or CTP, date). This projected date is the earliest date your facility can make these items without disrupting the current set of planned orders.

The order-entry user can then set the official due date to the Projected date, to the original customer-requested date, or to some other date. If the chosen due date is earlier than the projected date, the Planner projects the order to be completed late. When you regenerate the plan, this date may change as higher priority orders consume capacity and material before lower priority orders.

These terms are used to describe order dates in APS documentation.

  • Entry Date (ORDER.ARIVDATE). The date the order is entered in the APS system. This date is for record keeping; the Planner does not typically use it.
  • Request Date (ORDER.REQUDATE). The date the customer requested the order to be completed. You can specify this date when you enter the order, or you can leave it blank.
  • Projected Date (ORDPLAN.CALCDATE). The capable-to-promise date the Planner currently projects the order will complete, based on current factory conditions.
  • Due Date (ORDER.DUEDATE). The date promised to the customer that the order will be complete. This is the due date of the order. Once set, the Planner always attempts to complete an order by its due date.