Defining the earliest start time for planning an order

Specify the earliest time the Planner can start planning a new order (an order with a DUEDATE of 0 and a CALCDATE date of 0). When the Planner plans the order, it does not allow any processing, such as using resource capacity, until after the specified time. The Planner will not plan on using the time between the specified earliest start time and the current system time.

There are two versions of this parameter; both are fields in the ALTPLAN table:

  • NOSTIME: Specify the earliest start time as a specific time.
  • NOSOFFSET: Specify the earliest start time as an offset from the current system time. For example, a value of 4 means "four hours from now."

The resulting start time/date is then reflected in the ATLPLAN.STARTDATE field for the planned order.