Using supply tolerance

When the Planner pull plans a demand, it begins by searching backward from the demand’s due date for supplies that are planned to be available between the demand's due date and the current date. If the supplies available during that time do not satisfy the demand quantity, the system searches for on-hand inventory. If the demand is still not satisfied, the system can then use supply tolerance to search for supplies that are planned to be available AFTER the demand's due date.

Specify a default, global tolerance value in ALTPLAN.SUPPLYTOL or specify an item-specific tolerance value in MATL.SUPPLYTOL. Define supply tolerance as a window of time, in terms of hours or days. The processing depends on whether you enter a positive or negative number:

  • Positive number: the system searches for supplies starting from the demand's due date/time + the tolerance number of hours. For example, if the demand's due date is 3/5/2004 at 9:00, a value of 4 means the demand can use any supplies that are available between the current date/time and 3/5/2004 at 13:00.
  • Negative number: the system searches for supplies starting from the demand's due date at 00:00 (midnight) + (24 hours * the positive tolerance value). For example, if the demand's due date is 3/5/2004 at 15:00, a value of -4 means the demand can use any supplies that are available up to 3/9/2004 at 00:00. In the same example, a value of -1 means the demand can use any supplies available up to 3/5/2004 at 24:00 (the same day).

A value of 0 entered in MATL.SUPPLYTOL bypasses the item-level tolerance; the system instead uses the global tolerance value.