Increasing resource availability

You can also use a shift exception to increase resource availability (SHIFTEXDI.WORKFG=Y). To do so, define the shift exception to apply to both a shift not associated with the resource, and to the resource. This extends the resource’s shift time and increases its availability.

For example, consider two shifts: SHIFT1 and SHIFT2. SHIFT1 runs from 07:00 to 15:00 Monday through Friday, and SHIFT2 runs from 15:00 to 23:00 Monday through Friday. Resource RES1 is available during these shifts. To add a third shift for RES1 during the first two weeks of March, define SHIFT3 to run from 23:00 to 07:00 Sunday through Friday, and define a shift exception, SHEX2, that:

  • runs from 00:00 March 1 to 24:00 March 14
  • references SHIFT3
  • references RES1
  • has the WORKFG field set to Y.

This makes RES1 available for SHIFT3 during this period.