Database table: RGRP, RGRPMBR

A resource group allows you to classify resources that can perform the same function as a group, without member resources losing their individual identities. For example, you could define a resource group called MILLS to include resources MILL1, MILL2, and MILL_AUTO.

The system can use a resource group when a load on an operation needs a resource from a group of resources, but does not need a specific resource in the group. The load needs to use any available resource. The system selects a resource from the resource group and gives it to the load. The member resources may be working different shifts, have different current setups, or have different processing rates.

When defining a resource group, provide this information:

  • RGRP.RGID: a unique identifier that other components can reference
  • RGRP.ALLOCRL: a rule to use for selecting a particular resource member from among other members (Scheduler only)
  • RGRPMBR.RESID: the member resources of the group
  • other options, discussed later

The group members are resources you must define in the RESRC table and reference in RGRPMBR table. Specify a resource as a member of more than one resource group. Such a resource may be allocated and freed directly even though it is in one or more resource groups.