Step 3: modify fact table

Consider these scenarios about modify fact table:

  1. The new measure is based on the existing fact table/column. In this case, you only need to add a new column in the fact. Our code map usually is as shown in the graphic below. The new source package can be checked in connected networks. The new fact is a script source and based on sources from the package. If the logic changes in View Fact, the cube base table and the cube table that called it need to have a column change. If the logic change is in the cube base table, there only needs to be a column change in the cube table.
    Code Map
  2. Add dimensions to the fact table.
    1. The dimension must be imported from the package.
    2. The dimension key must be added to the cube table.
    3. Edit hierarchy adds a new dimension.
    4. Publish.
      See example of add dimension promotion code.
  3. Fact table based on a new source.
    1. New dimension source must be imported from package.
    2. New fact must be imported from package.
    3. Modify fact logic. If needed, add a cube to summary measures.
    4. Add hierarchy and grain.
    5. Related dimensions.
    6. Publish.
      The new source package can be checked in connected networks. The new fact is a script. Do not modify and delete existing dimensions or measures. Just remove them from the report.