Step 3: modify fact table
Consider these scenarios about modify fact table:
- The new measure is based on the existing fact table/column. In this case, you only need to add a new column in the fact. Our code map usually is as shown in the graphic below. The new source package can be checked in connected networks. The new fact is a script source and based on sources from the package. If the logic changes in View Fact, the cube base table and the cube table that called it need to have a column change. If the logic change is in the cube base table, there only needs to be a column change in the cube table.
Add dimensions to the fact table.
- The dimension must be imported from the package.
- The dimension key must be added to the cube table.
- Edit hierarchy adds a new dimension.
See example of add dimension promotion code.
Fact table based on a new source.
- New dimension source must be imported from package.
- New fact must be imported from package.
- Modify fact logic. If needed, add a cube to summary measures.
- Add hierarchy and grain.
- Related dimensions.
The new source package can be checked in connected networks. The new fact is a script. Do not modify and delete existing dimensions or measures. Just remove them from the report.