Example of add dimension promotion code

  1. Search table coitem_mst which includes column promotion_code in “All Cube” sheet “Cube Dim Raw Data.xls”, get fact table (View coitem, view co).
  2. In extension space, load promotion_code_mst data from Data Lake or SQL or other sources.
    If it is from the Data Lake:
    1. Add Data Lake column after you create the query-based object in connect VariationNumber,DLDeleteIndicator,lastModified, and criteria “Where lastModified='V{InforCSIPromotionCodeLastExtractDate}'” added after variable {InforCSIPromotionCodeLastExtractDate} is created.
    2. Add logic, making sure the time converts to local time.
    3. Add the delete logic.
    4. Add hierarchy and gain, then publish.
    5. Add CSI_Promotion_Code lastmodified to source InforCSILastExtractDate.
    6. Add new variable V{InforCSIPromotionCodeLastExtractDate}, then publish.
    7. Add dimension source.
    If it is from other sources, you only need to add hierarchy and gain in dimension, then publish and add the source to the dimension package.
  3. In Source space, add new package including:
    Dimension tables:
    • Src BI link site info
    • Src Currate
    • Src Currency
    • Src Currparms
    Fact tables:
    • Fact_Co Fact
    • Fact_Coh Fact
    • Fact_Coitem Fact
    • Fact_Coitemh Fact
    • Fact_Co
    • Fact_Coh
    • Fact_Coitem
    • Fact_Coitemh
  4. In sales model space, add new package including:
    • View_CO
    • View_Coitem
    • View_Currate
    • View_Domestic_Currency
  5. In ConformedDimension space, add new package including:
    • Dimension Tables
    • Currency Code Currency Code
    • Customer Customer
    • Product Item
    • Sales Channel Sales Channel
    • Site Site
  6. Load package from Source/Sale Model/ConformedDimension space to extension space.
  7. Create a new fact table based on view coitem/view co.
  8. Create a new hierarchy on a new fact table, set measures, and dimensions.
  9. Publish.
  10. Create a new package about a new fact table and a new dimension.