Step 1: add new data source from Data Lake or other types

If the source is from Data Lake:

  1. Add new data source from Data Lake.
    1. Add new table in Replication Categories in .
    2. Add table in DATA LAKE category directly or add a new category.
    3. See the Infor CloudSuite Industrial Configuration Guide, reconfigure the table, and make sure the data can be duplicated to Data Lake.
  2. Add a query in the Birst connection.
    1. Login in Infor Ming.le, and navigate to Birst.
    2. Choose the source space.
    3. In Connection, add a new query-based object reference new table.
    4. Save, and ensure the result displays correctly.
  3. Import Data Lake data.
  4. Ensure the import data is correct and that the type and length is correct after data extraction.
  5. Add new scripted source, prefix as Src:
    1. Convert new table datetime type column to local time. Reference function f_convertUTCToLocal.
    2. Add delete logic if the deleted indicator is 1.
    3. Get the last record if the rowpointer is the same
  6. Add incremental coding and setting:
    1. In Connection, for the new table, add column VariationNumber,DLDeleteIndicator,lastModified.
    2. Add new type to InforCSILastExtractDate.
    3. After publishing successfully, add a new variable from the source table.
  7. If the source imports from types other than Data Lake, you must import from those sources directly. Add hierarchy and grain to the new source and publish.
    The new source was added to packages. The new source can now be used by other spaces.