Calculated measures

These calculation rules are used for derived fields:

Measure Measure description
Order Status

Order Status calculates the order quantity, order amount, shipped quantity, shipped amount and backlog amount. All statuses are included except Planned/Stopped.

When you calculate the forecast sales amount, the planned order is considered.

Order Type Order Type is all posted EDI customer orders. Blanked orders and regular orders should be considered.
Product Product is the product on opportunity.
Customer Customer is the customer on opportunity or job.
Currency Conversion Currency Conversion converts all values to domestic currency first, then to report currency.


Birst uses the current exchange rate to convert the amount to the report currency amount. To get the report currency amount, Birst multiplies the domestic amount by the current rate. If there is no currency rate, then 0 displays.


current rate amount = domestic amount * current exchange rate

If there is no exchange rate, then 0 displays.