
Measure Measure Description
Quantity Shipped

Quantity shipped is from the customer order shipments, co-ship, table. For un-shipped co-line, set quantity shipped to zero.

Quantity Shipped = co_ship.qty_shipped
Quantity Returned
Quantity Returned = co_ship.qty_returned
Quantity Ordered

Quantity Ordered is from the customer order line.

Quantity Ordered = coitem.qty_ordered_conv
To Be Shipped Qty

To Be Shipped Qty is calculated from quantity ordered minus quantity shipped and plus quantity returned. The quantity returned from the customer order shipments, co-ship file. This measure holds only the quantity returned that has not had a credit memo printed. After the credit memo is printed, the quantity returned goes to zero and the number is subtracted from the quantity shipped.

To Be Shipped Qty = Quantity Ordered – Quantity Shipped + Quantity Returned
Shipped Value

Shipped Value is calculated by multiplying the quantity shipped by unit price.

Shipped Value = co_ship.qty_shipped * (coitem.price_conv / co.exch_rate * ISNULL(CurrRate.Rate, 0))
Returned Value

Returned Value is the quantity returned from the customer order shipments, co-ship file. The returned value is calculated by multiplying the quantity returned by unit price.

Returned Value = co_ship.qty_returned * (coitem.price_conv / co.exch_rate * ISNULL(CurrRate.Rate, 0))
Ordered Value

Ordered Value is calculated by multiplying the quantity ordered by unit price.

Ordered Value = co_ship.qty_ordered_conv * (coitem.price_conv / co.exch_rate * ISNULL(CurrRate.Rate, 0))
To Be Shipped Value

The to be shipped value is calculated from value ordered minus value shipped and plus value returned.

To Be Shipped Value = Ordered Value – Shipped Value + Returned Value
Shipped Value on Time

The on time shipped value is calculated by multiplying the quantity shipped by unit price when delivery interval is on time.

Shipped Value on Time = co_ship.qty_shipped * (coitem.price_conv / co.exch_rate * ISNULL(CurrRate.Rate, 0)) when delivery interval = On Time
On Time Delivery %

The On Time Delivery % is the shipped value on time divided by total shipped value and multiplied by 100.

On Time Delivery % = Shipped Value on Time / Shipped Value *100