WIP analysis fact

The WIP analysis fact analyzes the cost of WIP types including job, project, service order, and work center.

This table shows the measures that are sourced directly in Data Warehouse:

Name Calculation Rule
if job records in job.type = J and job.stat = R or S, then wip_total - wip_complete
Where type = A and posted = 1 in each of these tables: fs_sro_matl, fs_sro_labor, fs_sro_misc, and fs_sro_line_matl: get (wip_matl - wip_rel_matl) + (wip_lbr - wip_rel_lbr) + (wip_fov - wip_rel_fov) + (wip_vov - wip_rel_vov) + (wip_out - wip_rel_out)
wip_matl_total + wip_lbr_total + wip_fovhd_total + wip_vovhd_total + wip_out_total
WIP Cost
JobWIP + ProjectWIP + WorkCenterWIP + ServiceOrderWIP


Birst uses the current exchange rate to convert the amount to the report currency amount. To get the report currency amount, Birst multiplies the domestic amount by the current rate. If there is no currency rate, then 0 displays.