
Measure Measure Description

Quantity is the quantity to be quoted for a product. It is from the Qty Ordered field on the Estimate Lines form.

quantity = coitem_mst.qty_ordered_conv
union quantity = citemh_mst.qty_ordered_conv
Unit Price

Unit Price is the Unit Price field on the Estimate Lines form. The value will be converted into base currency amount first, then converted into reporting currency amount.

unit price (in base) = coitem_mst.price_conv / co_mst.exch_rate
union unit price (in base) = citemh_mst.price_conv / coh_mst.exch_rate
Cost of Sales

Cost of Sales is the total cost of goods to be quoted. It includes material cost, labor cost, fixed overhead cost, variance overhead cost and outside cost. It is calculated from the Unit Cost field multiplied by the quantity. You can refer to the Extended Cost field on the Estimate Lines form. The value will be converted into base currency amount first, then converted into reporting currency amount.

Cost of Sales (in base) = coitem_mst.cost_conv * coitem_mst.qty_ordered_conv / co_mst.exch_rate
union Cost of Sales (in base) = citemh_mst.cost_conv * citemh_mst.qty_ordered_conv / coh_mst.exch_rate
Gross Sales

Gross Sales is the total gross sales amount. It is calculated by multiplying the quantity by the unit price. You can refer to the Extended Price field of Estimate Lines form. The value will be converted into base currency amount first, then converted into reporting currency amount.

gross sales = coitem_mst.price_conv * coitem_mst.qty_ordered_conv / co_mst.exch_rate
Union gross sales = citemh_mst.price_conv * citemh_mst.qty_ordered_conv / coh_mst.exch_rate
Discount Amount

Discount Amount is the total discount amount for the product. It is calculated by multiplying the gross sales by sales discount percent. The value will be converted into base currency amount first, then converted into reporting currency amount.

discount amount = gross sales * sales discount /100 = coitem_mst.price_conv * coitem_mst.qty_ordered_conv * coitem_mst.disc / co_mst.exch_rate / 100
Union discount amount = Gross sales * sales discount /100 = citemh_mst.price_conv * citemh_mst.qty_ordered_conv * citemh_mst.disc / coh_mst.exch_rate / 100
Net Sales

Net Sales is the total gross sales minus the discount amount. The value will be converted into base currency amount first, then converted into reporting currency amount.

net sales = coitem_mst.price_conv * coitem_mst.qty_ordered_conv * (1- coitem_mst.disc / 100) / co_mst.exch_rate
Union net sales = citemh_mst.price_conv * citemh_mst.qty_ordered_conv * (1 - citemh_mst.disc / 100) / coh_mst.exch_rate
Total Count Total Count is the total number of estimates.
Won Count Won Count is the total numbers of estimates that are converted to customer orders.
Loss Count Loss Count is the total numbers of estimates that are not converted to customer orders.
Line Count Line Count is used for reporting estimates expiration in days.
Ordered Quantity

Ordered Quantity is the quantity on the customer order which is converted from the estimate. The join condition, which is used to judge whether the customer order is converted from the estimate, is that the estimate number exists in the Estimate field (co_mst.est_num) on the Customer Orders form and the estimate line item is equal to the customer order line item.

Ordered Quantity = coitem_mst.qty_ordered_conv
Union Ordered Quantity = citemh_mst.qty_ordered_conv
Estimate Won %

Estimate Won % is a rule measure. It is calculated by dividing the win count by total count in percentage.

Calculation rule:
Won Percentage = Won Count / Total Count * 100
Estimate Loss %

Estimate Loss % is a rule measure. It is calculated by dividing the loss count by total count in percentage.

Calculation rule:
Loss Percentage = Loss Count / Total Count * 100
Average Price

Average Price is a rule measure. It is calculated by dividing the Gross Sales by quantity. The value will be converted into base currency amount first, then converted into reporting currency amount.

Calculation rule:
Average Price = Gross Sales / Quantity
Ordered Qty %

Ordered Qty % is a rule measure. It is calculated by dividing the Ordered Quantity by quantity.

Calculation rule:
Ordered Qty % = Ordered Quantity / Quantity *100