Accounts receivable periodical analysis fact

Accounts Receivable Periodical Analysis is used to analyze the account receivables in the period end by different aging buckets.

These calculation rules are used:

Name Calculation Rule
Aging Date Aging Date is the invoice date or due date depending on the setting on AR Parameters.
Month End Month End is the last date of a month. All measures in the view should be calculated for each month end date. This means if an invoice, a debit or a credit occurs before the date, they will be included in the calculation; otherwise they will be excluded.
If inv_num = O, then Open or else if inv_num = -1 then Finance Charge else inv_num
(artran.amount + artran.freight + artran.misc_charges + artran.sales_tax + artran.sales_tax_2) / artran.exch_rate
Total Amount
Invoice_Amt + Payment_Amt + Credit_Amt + Debit_Amt + Fin_Chg_Amt
Finance Charge Amount
If artran.type = F, then (artran.amount + artran.freight + artran.misc_charges + artran.sales_tax + artran.sales_tax_2) / artran.exch_rate
Debit Amount
If artran.type = D, then (artran.amount + artran.freight + artran.misc_charges + artran.sales_tax + artran.sales_tax_2) / artran.exch_rate
Credit Amount
If artran.type = C, then (artran.amount + artran.freight + artran.misc_charges + artran.sales_tax + artran.sales_tax_2) / artran.exch_rate* -1
Payment Amount
If artran.type = P, then (artran.amount + artran.freight + artran.misc_charges + artran.sales_tax + artran.sales_tax_2 ) / artran.exch_rate* -1
Invoice Amount
If artran.type = I, then (artran.amount + artran.freight + artran.misc_charges + artran.sales_tax + artran.sales_tax_2) / artran.exch_rate
Direct Indirect
If slsman.outside = 1, then Indirect
If slsman.outside = 0 then Direct
Aging Bucket
If Aging_Date > arparms.age_days##4, then arparms.age_desc##5
If Aging_Date > arparms.age_days##3, then arparms.age_desc##4
If Aging_Date > arparms.age_days##2, then arparms.age_desc##3
If Aging_Date > arparms.age_days##1, then arparms.age_desc##2
Else arparms.age_desc##1
Age Month_End_Date() - Aging_Date


Birst uses the current exchange rate to convert the amount to the report currency amount. To get the report currency amount, Birst multiplies the domestic amount by the current rate. If there is no currency rate, then 0 displays.


current rate amount = domestic amount * current exchange rate

If there is no exchange rate, then 0 displays.