
Measure Measure description
Forecast Amount Forecast Amount is an estimate of sales value that will be closed in a given time period. The forecast amount includes opportunities value and planned order value.
Order Quantity

Order Quantity is the quantity of ordered items on a sales order placed on the order date. It is from the Qty Ordered field on customer order line when status is Ordered/Complete/History. For blanket order release, it is the Ordered Release on the release date.

Order Quantity = Qty Ordered and Ordered Release
Order Amount

Order Amount is the net amount of ordered items on a sales order placed on the order date. It is calculated from the Order Quantity multiplied by unit price and then minus discount amount when status is Ordered/Complete/History. For blanket order release, the amount is calculated from the ordered release multiplied by unit price on the release date.

Order Amount = Order Quantity * (Unit Price – Price Discount) or Ordered Release * Unit Price
Shipped Quantity

Shipped Quantity is the quantity shipped on a sales order in a given period when status is Ordered/Complete/History. Shipped quantity is counted on the shipped date.

Shipped Quantity = Qty Shipped
Shipped Amount

Shipped Amount is the net value of shipped items for a sales order in a given period. It is calculated from the Shipped Quantity multiplied by unit price and then minus discount amount when status is Ordered/Complete/History. Shipped amount is counted on the shipped date.

Shipped Amount = Shipped Quantity * (Unit Price – Price Discount)
Shipped Quantity * Unit Price for release order
Backlog Amount

Backlog Amount is the value of unfinished customer orders received but not completed. It is calculated from order amount minus shipped amount when status is Ordered/Complete/History in the same period.

Backlog Amount = Order Amount – Shipped Amount
Planned Production Quantity Planned Production Quantity is the quantity of product that is planned to be produced in a given period. It includes the release quantity on both the job and production schedule.
Planned Production Amount

Planned Production Amount is the value of product that is planned to be produced in a given period. It is calculated from the release quantity multiplied by unit cost of the item.

Unit cost decision reference: When cost type is standard choose standard cost, otherwise choose average cost
SELECT item, CASE WHEN cost_type = 'S' THEN unit_cost ELSE avg_u_cost END AS Unit_Cost FROM item) AS unit_cost
Order Count Order Count is the number of orders with status of Ordered/Complete/Stopped/History. If the fact view is on the order line level, you can enter1 on the first line, and 0on all the other lines. For blanket order, one release order will count 1.
Closed Order Count Closed Order Count is the number of orders with status of Complete/Stopped/History. If the fact view is on the order line level, you can enter 1 on the first line, and 0 on the other lines. For blanket order, one release order will count 1.
Average Order Value

Average Order Value is the average of order amounts. It is calculated from the sum of order amount divided by order count. It is a rule measure.

Average Order Value = Order Amount / Order Count