Sourced measures
This table shows the measures that are sourced directly in Data Warehouse:
Measure | Measure description |
Quantity Shipped | Quantity Shipped is from the customer order shipments, co-ship, file. |
Gross Sales | Gross Sales is derived from the unit price multiplied by the quantity shipped. |
Sales Discounts | Sales Discounts is derived from the quantity shipped multiplied by the discounts given, including customer order discounts plus customer order line item discounts. |
Net Sales | Net Sales is from the Gross Sales minus the Sales Discounts. |
Cost of Goods Sold | Cost of Goods Sold is derived from Unit Cost multiplied by the quantity shipped. |
Product Contribution Margin | Product Contribution Margin is derived from the Net Sales minus the Cost of Goods Sold. |
Unit Cost | Unit Cost is an R element that requires following the calculation rule to be defined on the measure. |