Sourced measures and KPIs

This table shows the measures that are sourced directly in data warehouse:

Measure Measure description
Quantity Ordered Quantity Ordered is the number of items on customer orders. The quantity ordered is from the quantity change of the CO item log (coitem-log) file.
Gross Sales Amount Gross Sales Amount is the number of items on customer orders divided by the exchange rate of the customer order. The total transaction amount is from the CO item log (coitem-log) file.
Total Discount Amount Total transaction discount amount is the items on the customer order divided by the exchange rate of the customer order. The total discount amount is from the CO item log (coitem-log) file.
Net Sales Amount The Net Sales Amount is derived from gross sales amount minus total discount amount.
Count Count is the total number of booking analysis fact view rows. It is used to count the number of fact view rows, and to calculate the average of the number of salespersons. This is a medium measure, and is used to calculate the number of sales persons.
Sales Person Count Salesperson Count is the total number of salespersons multiplied by the number of rows. It is from the count of salespersons on the slsman table. This is a medium measure, and is used to calculate the number of salespersons.