Calculated measures

This table shows the measures that are calculated in the fact:

Name Calculation Rule
Outstanding Payable

Outstanding Payable indicates the total un-paid invoice amount. It is calculated from the sum of all invoice amounts and adjust amounts minus the sum of all payments and discounts taken.

Outstanding Payable = aptrxp.inv_amt – amt_paid – amt_disc
Invoice Amount

Invoice Amount indicates the total invoices value in base currency. It is composed of voucher and adjustment amounts. It is calculated from invoice amount of voucher plus invoice amount of adjustment by aging date. The reference field is aptrxp.inv_amt and aptrxp.type when type is V for voucher and A for adjustment.

Invoice Amount = aptrxp.inv_amt when type is V or A
Payment Amount

Payment Amount is the total payment value in base currency. It is composed of all types of payments, for example P for payment, O for open check and N for non-A/P payment. It is calculated from the sum of aptrxp.amt_paid.

Payment Amount = aptrxp.amt_paid
Open Invoice Amount Open Invoice Count indicates the total number of un-fully paid invoices.
Outstanding Payable %

The percentage of outstanding payable is a rule created in BV.

Outstanding Payable % = Outstanding Payable / Invoice Amount * 100