Sales opportunity analysis fact

The Sales Opportunity Analysis fact enables users to analyze sales opportunities and their related sales campaigns. The fact granularity is at sales opportunities level by create date, date dimension.

Measure Measure Description

Opportunity Count

Opportunity Estimated Value

Opportunity Count is the count of opportunities.

Opportunity Estimated Value is the estimated value of opportunities.

Order Value Order Value is the estimated total price of each customer order that is converted from the opportunities.
Order Value Variance

Order Value Variance is the variance between actual leads count and expected lead count. It’s an R element that requires the following calculation rule to be defined on the measure.

Calculation rule:
[Order Value Variance] = [Order Value] – [Opportunity Estimated Value]
Pipeline Value (Un-weighted) Pipeline Value,un-weighted, is the estimated value of all open opportunities.
Pipeline Value (Weighted) Pipeline Value, weighted, is the estimated value of all open opportunities multiplied by Opportunity Close %.
Close Projection Close Projection is the estimated value of all open opportunities projected multiplied by Opportunity Close %.
Opportunity Lost Count Opportunity Lost Count is the count of opportunities that were lost.
Opportunity Lost %

Opportunity Lost % is the percentage of opportunities that were lost. This is an R element that requires the following calculation rule to be defined on the measure.

Calculation rule:
[Opportunity Lost %] = [Opportunity Lost Count] / [Opportunity Count] * 100
Opportunity Won Count Opportunity Won Count is the count of opportunities closed that were won.
Opportunity Won Percentage

Opportunity Won Percentage is the percentage of opportunities that were won. This is an R element that requires the following calculation rule to be defined on the measure.

Calculation rule:
[Opportunity Won %] = [Opportunity Won Count] / [Opportunity Count] * 100
Opportunity Neglected (Task Complete) Opportunity Neglected, task complete, is the count of the opportunities, for example not won or lost, where the difference between the (AsOf Date + OffsetDays) and the complete date is > = DaysNeglected.
Opportunity Neglected (Task Create) Opportunity Neglected, task create, is the count of the opportunities, for example not won or lost, where the difference between the (AsOf Date + OffsetDays) and the createdate is > = DaysNeglected.
Opportunity Neglected Value Opportunity Neglected Value is the estimated value of opportunities, for example not won or lost, where the difference between the (AsOf Date + OffsetDays) and the most recent interaction is > = DaysNeglected.
Estimates to Expire Estimates to Expire is the count of estimates where the AsOfDate + DaysToInclude >= the Estimate Expiration Date.
Estimates to Expire Value Estimates to Expire Value is the total price of each estimate where the AsOfDate + DaysToInclude > = the Estimate Expiration Date.


Birst uses the current exchange rate to convert the amount to the report currency amount. To get the report currency amount, Birst multiplies the domestic amount by the current rate. If there is no currency rate, then 0 displays.


current rate amount = domestic amount * current exchange rate

If there is no exchange rate, then 0 displays.