Create application workflow ‘App Workflow - 10 - Copy Connectors’

You must create application workflow ‘App Workflow - 10 - Copy Connectors’ to copy connector and Repoint connection.

  1. Select the source and target applications.
    Souce application: infor.csi-smd-birst.csismdbirst
    Target application: infor.csi-birst.csibirst
  2. Specify this information:

    Task Type: Copy Space

    Source Space: SourceSpace

    Target Space: SourceSpace

    Mode: Replicate

    Option: connectors

  3. Copy Space SourceSpace to SourceSpace.
  4. Specify this information:

    Task Type: Repoint Connection

    Source Space: SourceSpace

    Repoint from Connection: Connections

    Repoint to Connection: Connections

Repoint Connection Sources in SouceSpace have been repointed from Connections to Connections.