Prerequisites and related software components

Regarding financial reports within Birst:

  • Most financial reports are constructed based on account classes, so before using the financial reports, you must set proper account classes to the accounts.
  • A currency code is set on the BI Settings form in Infor SyteLine.
  • The financial cubes provide three kinds of exchange rate methods - current exchange rate, period average exchange rate, and period end exchange rate. When you convert the domestic amount to the report currency amount, the domestic amount is multiplied by the exchange rate.
    • Balance Sheet (end) – Use the end rate for the “balance as of date” period (for example, if the balance is as of Dec-2017 use end rate of Dec-2017, if the balance is as of Apr-2018 us end rate of Apr-2018). Calculation: sum (domestic amount) * end rate of selected period.
    • Income Statements (average per period) – Use the period avg. exchange rate per period in report. Total columns or YTD columns should sum the converted period columns. Calculation: sum (amount for the period * average rate per period)
    • Cashflow Statement (end) – Use the end rate for each period within report. Calculation: sum (amount for each period * end rate per period)
    • Trial Balance (end) – All accounts should be exchanged using end rate of “balance through” cutoff date of report. Calculation: sum (domestic amount) * end rate of selected period.
  • For financial statements, the system only provides fiscal period analysis dimension. The calendar time dimension is not supported.