About Staging Tables

A series of real tables, called staging tables, which are used to store the fact data, are added into SyteLine database, so that the data loading performance can be improved significantly. You must be aware that the fact data must be moved into the staging tables first, otherwise there will be no data when publishing cube to OLAP server. Here, there are two methods to move the fact data from SyteLine tables to staging tables. One is through the BI Staging Schedule form in SyteLine; the other is through the Publications/Publication Schedules in Business Vault.

BI Staging Schedule

On the BI Staging Schedule form, you can select a cube on the Staging Tables tab, or select a group on the Staging Table Groups tab. Click Run to move the fact data from SyteLine to staging tables at once, or click Schedule to set the schedule for the selected cube or group.

Publications/Publication schedules

Within Publications of Business Vault, you can select any prepare data links, for example D_Prepare_Booking, or select the D_Prepare_Data for all the prepare data links. Click Publish to move the fact data from SyteLine to staging tables at once.

Within Publication Schedules in Business Vault, you can set a schedule for each prepare data link, through which system will move the fact data from SyteLine to staging tables when the schedule time is reached.

Publish cubes

After the staging tables are populated with fact data, you can load the cube data to the OLAP server. Within Publications in Business Vault, you can select any cubes. Click Publish to load cube data into OLAP server.

Within Publication Schedules in Business Vault, you can set a schedule for each cube. When the schedule time is reached, the system will load cube data from staging tables into the OLAP server.