Processing Site Data Migration Errors

You can correct any errors that occur while migrating data to a new site.

For instructions on migrating data, see Migrating Data to a New Site.

  1. Open the Site Data Migration Error Processing form in one of two ways:
    Option Description
    From another form On the Site Management form’s Import Site tab, click the Error Processing button above the error table.
    Direct Open the form directly
  2. Select a table from the Table Name field. An error description appears in the Error Message field.
  3. The method of fixing an error depends on its description. For example, if the error message for Table A is “The insert statement conflicted with the foreign key constraint…,” use this form to add records that are missing for the foreign key referenced table.
  4. To add missing records:
    1. Click the New button to create a new record, then specify the table in the Table Name field and click Save.
    2. Click the Edit button to open the Row Data Editor form showing the table’s existing XML data.
    3. Enter the correct values into the required fields, then click OK to return to the Site Data Migration Error Processing form. The original values in the XML Viewer have been replaced with the XML generated by the Row Data Editor.
    4. Click Save to add the missing record.
  5. To edit records:
    1. Click the Edit button to open the Row Data Editor form.
    2. Edit the desired values into the fields, then click OK to return to the Site Data Migration Error Processing form. The original values in the XML Viewer have been replaced with the XML generated by the Row Data Editor.
    3. Click Save to store the new values.
  6. When done fixing errors, you can process them by current table or current site:
    Option Description
    Process errors in the current table Select the Current Table radio button, then click the Process button. Only the error data of the current table will import into the target table of the login site.
    Process the errors in the current site Select the Current Site radio button, then click the Process button. The error data of the current site will import into the target tables of the login site in the arranged order.