Tax Codes for Items by Jurisdiction

Use this form to assign tax codes by item by jurisdiction for a tax system with its Tax Mode set to Item.

You can assign a separate Tax Code for each item for each different jurisdiction. This information is used as shown in this example: A Tax Code Type of Exempt with a non-zero tax rate and a non-blank Tax Jurisdiction is specified on a header form such as Customer Orders or Purchase Orders. When a new item gets created, the Tax Code value defaults from the Item Codes by Jurisdiction file, based on the Tax Jurisdiction that was specified in the Tax Code used on the header.

Note:  You must have tax systems, tax codes, tax jurisdictions and items created before you can use this form.

An SyteLine user in the United Kingdom sells to a customer in France. The user specifies a Tax Code of FR with a Tax Code Type of Exempt, a Tax Rate of 1.0 and a Tax Jurisdiction of FRANCE.

When the line item is added, the system sees that a special tax code was specified on the header, so it tries to look up the Item Code by Jurisdiction where the Tax Jurisdiction equals FRANCE and the Item equals the item that was just specified. If this record exists, the item uses the Tax Code of this record; otherwise, it defaults from the Items form as usual.