Euro Exchange Rate Revaluation

For each currency code set as Part of Euro, you must run this utility to revalue the outstanding asset and liability transactions using the national currency-to-Euro exchange rate.

Note:  If the Fixed Rate field on the transaction record is enabled, the utility does not update the exchange rate.

This utility updates the exchange rate in the following types of transactions:

  • A/P and A/R transactions
  • Customer orders
  • Purchase orders
  • Vouchers payable
  • RMAs

The system updates each transaction's exchange rate, places the new rate in the transaction's exchange rate field, and uses it for all Translate to Domestic calculations. The utility produces a report that lists the new exchange rates for all the affected order numbers and customer/vendor numbers.

In addition to running this utility, you must run the standard Currency Revaluation Report for all Part of Euro currency codes, and you must run the standard Bank Account Revaluation Utility for all bank codes that use a Part of Euro currency.