Summary or Detail

For a summary of the report information, select Summary. For a detailed report, select Detail. Detail includes a breakdown of individual transactions.

On the Change Reports to Entity form, this field refers to the report that is printed as a part of the Ledger Consolidation routine. If you select Detail, summary information of the total debits and total credits and the account mapped to will be printed. If you select Summary, the grand total of all debits and credits will be displayed.

On the PO Funds Committed Report, the Detail option is available to display landed cost amounts paid and payable and identified by type. The landed cost information is displayed on the line immediately following the PO line record.

On the Ledger Consolidation form, if you select Detail, summary information of the total debits and total credits and the account mapped to will be printed. If you select Summary, only the grand total of all debits and all credits will be displayed.