Selling Exchange Rate

Enter the exchange rate used for customer orders accepted in the From Currency. The default value is one (1). Seven floating digits are allowed.

The Selling Exchange Rate is used in Customer Order Entry when orders are placed in a foreign currency (From Currency).

After entering customer orders with the amount in a foreign currency, the From Currency is converted to the To Currency by dividing the From Currency by the Selling Exchange Rate.

If your To Currency is set as Part of Euro, the From Currency Buying and Selling Exchange rates are no longer the From-to-To rates. They become the number of units in this From Currency to one unit of the Euro currency. The system uses the From Currency Buying and Selling Exchange rates in conjunction with the "1 Euro =" rate for your To Currency when performing Triangulation conversions.

Note:  The Selling Exchange Rate is not necessarily the current rate as quoted by the bank. You may increase it to offset potential losses due to currency rate fluctuations.