Display (Key Text, Finish Text, IDO, Document)

Select the options for the sections you want to show on the form:

  • Key Text values resolve into AES event variables that can be referenced by additional Key Text variables. Up to 15 values or formulas can be defined as Key Text. You can show 5 values at one time.
  • Finish Text values resolve into AES event variables that can be referenced by additional Finish Text variables. Up to 15 values or formulas can be defined as Finish Text. You can show 5 values at one time.

    Finish Text values can be used to “finish,” or adjourn, the AES event if the condition evaluates to True. For example, if FinishText01 is defined to extract a specific value, you could instruct AES to adjourn before adding content to Document Management if FinishText01 = “REPRINT”.

  • IDO values are used to define the data source (vIdoName) of the lookup that is used to set Document Management attribute values in vIdoPropertyList and filter in vIdoFilter.
  • Document values are used to define how the document will be stored in Document Management: the Document Management document type, the entity type, and the description to use for this document.

    A matching document type, entity type and description must be defined in Document Management.