Currency Code, Range

Select the first and last currency code you want to include on the report/utility.

On the Euro Exchange Rate Revaluation form, select the first and last codes in the range of currency codes for which to update the exchange rate. For each outstanding asset and liability transaction that contains a currency code in this range, the system updates the exchange rate to the appropriate national currency-to-Euro exchange rate (which is fixed as of 1/1/1999). This exchange rate is used in all triangulation conversions between Euro-participating currencies during a Euro interim period.

On the Change Item Price utility, the ending currency is only enabled when you select Percent in the Amount/Percent field.

On the Accounts Receivable Aging Report, select a first and last currency code to filter the list of customers by the currency code assigned to the account. Only customers whose default currency matches the currency codes defined here, are included in the report.