
On the Currency Codes form, specify a currency code you want to use throughout the system. When you define these codes, the drop-down list includes only ISO currency codes. You can enter other custom codes, but this is not recommended because ISO codes are required when integrating with other Infor products via BODs.

On the Customer Currency Codes or Vendor Currency Codes form, you can specify multiple currency codes to associate with a selected customer or vendor. Any currency added can then be selected on transactions that support multiple currencies for the customer or vendor. The customer or vendor default currency is included in the list by default and cannot be deleted; however, its Fixed Rate and Exchange Rate settings can be changed under certain conditions, as described in the online help.

On the Customers form, Currency Codes tab, this field shows the transaction currencies that have been set up using the Customer Currency Codes form. On the Vendors form, Currency Codes tab, this field shows the transaction currencies that have been set up using the Vendor Currency Codes form. You can add currencies on these tabs, and you can update existing currencies, except for the domestic currency. The customer or vendor default currency is included on these tabs by default and cannot be deleted; however, its Fixed Rate and Exchange Rate settings can be changed under certain conditions, as described in the online help.

Note: Before you can add a transaction currency for a customer or vendor, at least one currency exchange rate, from the currency selected here to the customer or vendor default currency, should exist. This is because customer or vendor totals are always in the customer or vendor default currency. Transactions can be in different currencies but are converted to the default currencies to be totaled.

On the Item Content Exchanges form, specify the currency to use for the exchange.

On the Excise Currency Rates and Item Content Prices forms, the currency code is displayed and is read-only.