Setting up a Customer or Vendor Document Profile

Ensure that you understand how a customer or vendor document profile is used when sending reports to customers and vendors.
  1. For customers, open the Customer Document Profile form and select the Customer and Ship To for which you want to create a profile.

    For vendors, open the Vendor Document Profile form and select the Vendor for which you want to create a profile.

  2. Select the Method used to deliver the report:
    • Printer
    • Fax
    • Email

    All emailed report output is sent in PDF format, and the description that is specified on the Background Task Definitions form is used as the subject of the email.

  3. Specify the Destination, which is the fax number, email addresses, or printer where the report will be delivered. To distribute a report to multiple fax numbers or printers, create multiple profiles, each with a different fax number or printer. To distribute a report to multiple email addresses, separate each email address with a semicolon.
    Note:  If your phone or fax number contains commas, enclose the entire number in double quotes.
  4. Select the Task Name for which you want to create report distribution defaults.
  5. Specify a Description associated with the task for which you want to create report distribution defaults.

    This description is informational only. If you want to define a subject to be used with email distribution, use the Task Description field on the Background Task Definitions form.

  6. Specify the number of copies of the report to print. The Copies field is enabled only if Method is set to Printer.
  7. Select Active to enable this profile, or clear this check box to disable this profile.
  8. In the Cover Sheet Company and Cover Sheet Contact fields, specify the name of the company and the contact to whom the fax is addressed. The names are displayed on the fax cover sheet. These fields are enabled only when Method is set to Fax.
    Note:  Windows Fax and Mongoose Fax Service do not support this field.