Notify Portal Contract Price Created - Workflow Event Handler

Use this event handler to automatically notify SyteLine users when a new product price contract record is created by a Vendor Portal user, and to notify the Vendor Portal user that their product price contract request has been received. The notification can be an external email and/or a message sent to the user's Inbox.

Notification Text

This is the text of the notification sent to the Vendor Portal user:

To: portaluser
From: sluser
Subject: Request for Product Price Contract Received
Body: We received your Product Price Contract request for Item Item and Effective Date EffectiveDate.

This is the text of the notification sent to the SyteLine user:

To: sluser
From: portaluser
Subject: Vendor Portal - New Vendor Contract Price Request
Body: VendorName entered Vendor Contract Price on the Portal for Item Item and Effective Date EffectiveDate in Site SiteName. 

SyteLine users who receive this notification can approve or reject the request. To approve the request, they can use the SyteLine Change Vendor Contract Price Status Utility form or the Approve button on the Vendor Contract Prices form. An approval notification is automatically sent to the Vendor Portal user who submitted the request. To reject the request, they can simply delete the record from the Vendor Contract Prices form. A rejection notification is automatically sent to the Vendor Portal user who submitted the request.

Variable Information

Variable Description
portaluser The user who creates the product price contract request using the Vendor Portal Product Price Contracts page.
sluser The SyteLine user who receives and approves or rejects the product price contract request.
Item The item number.
EffectiveDate The date when the new price becomes effective.
VendorName The name of the vendor whose user entered a product price contract request using Vendor Portal.
SiteName The site name where the product price contract was created.

Global Constants

This global constant is created by the event handler, based on the entry you make in the Workflow Event Handler Activation form:

Global Constant Contains
PortalVendorContractPriceCreatedManagerID Contents of the Notify Users field

Associated Event and IDO

The event IdoPostItemInsert for the SLItemVendPrices IDO triggers this notification.