Using the Audit Log

The basic steps for setting up an event audit log are listed here.

  1. In the Process Defaults form, set Enable Audit Logging to 1 which turns it on.
    The default value of 0 disables the audit log functionality.
  2. In the Audit Log Types form, specify the types of messages to include in the audit log. By default, the system generates messages when users log on (type 1) and when users open a form (type 2). Developers can create other types of messages that are generated by event handlers of the "Add Entry to Audit Log" response type.
  3. Use the Audit Log form to review and delete audit log messages.
    • Log Description describes the type of audit log. For example, if you opened the Purchase Order Lines form, the Log Description lists the form name "PurchaseOrderLines".
    • Message Type indicates the type of message in the audit log. By default, messages about users logging on are 1, messages about users opening forms are 2, and messages about users modifying forms or objects are 3. Custom messages are numbered 10,000 and greater.
    • Category identifies the type of auditing. Three values can appear in this field:
      • System: Types of events are User Login and Open Form. You cannot select a category of System.
      • Custom Form Event: This allows programmers to add audit logging to any event handler; for example, when a user selects a tab on a form.
      • Database: Database displays when records are added, updated, and deleted, and the message displays Database: Add, Database: Update, or Database: Delete, depending on the action performed.
    • Message Description is a description of the message type. The description will be one of three vales:
      • User Login
      • Open Form
      • Custom Message
    • Primary Key identifies the database record being changed. It contains the fields that make up the primary key. When multiple fields make up a key, the values are concatenated and separated by dashes. For example, Purchase Order P000000001 Line 5 Release 2 appears as P000000001-5-2.
    • Old Value is only used when Category is set to Database. Based on the activity - Add, Update, or Delete - the following is displayed:
      • Add: Blank
      • Update: Value prior to update
      • Delete: Value prior to delete
    • New Value is only used Category is set to Database. Based on the activity - Add, Update, or Delete - the following is displayed:
      • Add: Value after the add
      • Update: Value after the update
      • Delete: Blank
    • User Name shows the user ID whose actions generated the audit log message is displayed.
    • Date/Time is the system date and time that the audit log entry was made.
Note:  We strongly recommend that you enable audit logging only if there is a specific need to check something, and enable it for only a short time. The audit trail processing is extensive and robust. While enabled, it will reduce system performance and create a large number of process records in the log.