About Workflow Event Handlers

You can use these predefined custom event handlers to notify certain people about important events that happen in SyteLine. In some cases, the notification message also asks the recipient to approve or reject a change or exception.

Setting Up and Activating the Workflow Event Handlers

No programming is needed to set up and activate these event handlers. Just follow the simple steps in Setting Up and Activating Workflow Event Handlers.

List of Workflow Event Handlers

Click the links below to see detailed information about each event handler. Values defined here are entered using the Workflow Event Handler Activation form.

Event Handler Description Values to Enter
Alert Customer Portal Users of New Interaction Notifies Customer Portal users when a new interaction is entered in SyteLine. To receive this alert, Customer Portal users must subscribe to CPVendorInteractionAlert. N/A
Alert Customer was put on Credit Hold Notifies subscribers when any customer goes on credit hold. To receive this alert, mobile users must subscribe to CustomerCreditHoldAlert. N/A
Alert on Item Price Request Creation Notifies Vendor Portal users when a new item price request is entered in SyteLine. To receive this alert, Vendor Portal users must subscribe to ItemPriceRequestAlert. N/A
Alert on Item Price Response Creation Notifies SyteLine users when a new item price response is entered in Vendor Portal. To receive this alert, SyteLine users must subscribe to ItemPriceResponseAlert. N/A
Alert on Order Shipping Notifies the subscriber list when an order ships. To receive this alert, Customer Portal users must subscribe to OrderShippingAlert. N/A
Alert on past due open CO Lines Notifies the subscriber list when an order ships late for a specified customer number.  To receive this alert, mobile users must subscribe to LateOrderShippingAlert. N/A
Alert on Status of Monitored Resources Calls an IDO method to check the status of a service and task that are defined in the Monitored Resources form and sends an alert message to subscribers defined on that form. N/A
Alert Order was put on Credit Hold Notifies subscribers when an order goes on credit hold. To receive this alert, mobile users must subscribe to CustomerOrderCreditHoldAlert. N/A
Alert Back Office Users of Customer Interaction Notifies SyteLine users when a new interaction is entered in Customer Portal. Alerts can be limited by topic. To receive this alert, SyteLine users must subscribe to SLCustomerInteractionAlert. N/A
Alert Back Office Users of Vendor Interaction Notifies SyteLine users when a new interaction is entered in Vendor Portal. Alerts can be limited by topic. To receive this alert, SyteLine users must subscribe to SLVendorInteractionAlert. N/A
Alert Users of New Customer Document Notifies SyteLine and Customer Portal users when a new customer document is uploaded by an SyteLine user on behalf of a customer. To receive this alert, users must subscribe to CustomerDocumentUploadAlert. N/A
Alert Users of New Customer Portal Document Notifies SyteLine users when a new customer document is uploaded in Customer Portal. To receive this alert, SyteLine users must subscribe to CustomerDocumentUploadAlert. N/A
Alert Users of New Vendor Document Notifies SyteLine and Vendor Portal users when a new vendor document is uploaded by an SyteLine user on behalf of a vendor. To receive this alert, users must subscribe to VendorDocumentUploadAlert. N/A
Alert Users of New Vendor Portal Document Notifies SyteLine users when a new vendor document is uploaded in Vendor Portal. To receive this alert, SyteLine users must subscribe to VendorDocumentUploadAlert. N/A
Alert Vendor Portal Users of New Interaction Notifies Vendor Portal users when a new interaction is entered in SyteLine. To receive this alert, Vendor Portal users must subscribe to VPCustomerInteractionAlert. N/A
Alert when account's actual > budget Notifies subscribers when a specified account's actual amount goes over the budget amount by a specified percentage. To receive this alert, mobile users must subscribe to OverBudgetAlert. N/A
Alert when an Order shipment is complete Notifies subscribers when shipment status changes to "Filled" for at least one line on an order. To receive this alert, mobile users must subscribe to CustomerShipmentAlert.  N/A
Alert when Lead Assigned to Salesperson Notifies subscribers when a lead is assigned to a salesperson if the salesperson is a current user. Sales managers should receive this alert as a salesperson and for all of their direct reports. To receive this alert, mobile users must subscribe to LeadAssignedAlert. N/A
Alert when an Order Shipment is projected to be late Notifies subscribers when the projected date is later than the due date on an order. To receive this alert, mobile users must subscribe to ProjectedLateShipAlert. N/A
Alert when Price Response is Accepted Notifies Vendor Portal users when their item price response is accepted in SyteLine. To receive this alert, Vendor Portal users must subscribe to ItemPriceResponseAcceptedAlert. N/A
Alert when trans amt > specified amt Notifies subscribers when the amount of a transaction for a specified account is over the specified amount. To receive this alert, mobile users must subscribe to TransactionAmountAlert. N/A
Approve Customer Credit Limit Change Notifies certain people when the Credit Limit amount was changed for any customer on the Customers form. Prompts for a Yes/No response to approve the change. Based on the response, sends an approval or rejection notification to the originator. Notify Users
Approve ECN Creation Notifies certain people when an engineering change notice is created. Prompts for a Yes/No response to approve the ECN. Based on the response, sends an approval or rejection notification to the originator. Notify Users
Approve Employee Injury Report Created Notifies certain people when an employee injury report is created. Prompts for a Yes/No response to approve the injury report. Based on the response, sends an approval or rejection notification to the originator. Notify Users
Approve PO Line Amount Notifies certain people when a purchase order line exceeds the amount you specify in this event handler. Prompts for a Yes/No response to approve the PO line amount. Based on the response, sends an approval or rejection notification to the originator. Notify Users

PO Line Amount

Approve Vendor Portal Address Change Notifies an SyteLine vendor service representative that an address change request was made in Vendor Portal. Prompts for a Yes/No response to approve the change. Based on the response, sends an approval or rejection notification to the portal user. Vendor Service Representative
Approve Vendor Portal Company General Change Notifies an SyteLine vendor service representative that a general information change request was made in Vendor Portal. Prompts for a Yes/No response to approve the change. Based on the response, sends an approval or rejection notification to the portal user. Vendor Service Representative
Approve Vendor Portal Contact Change Notifies an SyteLine vendor service representative that a contact change request was made in Vendor Portal. Prompts for a Yes/No response to approve the change. Based on the response, sends an approval or rejection notification to the portal user. Vendor Service Representative
Check and Approve CO Line Disc % Notifies certain people when the Discount Percentage on a customer order line was set to a percentage that is greater than the percentage you specify in this event handler. Prompts for a Yes/No response to approve the change. Based on the response, sends an approval or rejection notification to the originator. Notify Users

Discount %

Check CO Amount & Credit Limit Notifies certain people when an update to a customer order line amount causes the customer to exceed their credit limit. Notify Users

Email Users

Check PO Amount vs. PO Limit Notifies certain people when the amount of a purchase order exceeds the limit you specify in this event handler. Notify Users

Email Users

PO Amount

Check PO Req Amount vs. PO Req Limit Notifies certain people when the cost of a purchase order requisition exceeds the PO requisition limit for the user who submitted the requisition. Notify Users

Email Users

CustomerInteractionFollowupAlert Alerts certain people when a customer interaction has a follow-up date equal to the current date Notify Users

Email Users

Notify Customer Created Notifies certain people when a new customer was created in the Customers form. Notify Users

Email Users

Notify Invoice Due Date Changed Notifies certain people when the due date is changed on an invoice. Notify Users

Email Users

Notify Item Created Notifies certain people whenever a new item is created. Notify Users

Email Users

Notify PO Line Due Date Changed Notifies certain people when a purchase order line due date is changed. Notify Users

Email Users

Notify PO Line Received for an Item Notifies certain people when a purchase order line is received that contains the items you specify in this event handler. Notify Users

Email Users


Notify Portal Contract Price Created Notifies the Vendor Portal user who created a new product price contract record that the request has been received.  

Also notifies the associated SyteLine user that a new product price contract has been entered on the portal.

Notify Users
Notify Portal Contract Price Rejected Notifies the Vendor Portal user who created a product price contract record when that record is deleted (rejected) by the SyteLine user. N/A
Notify Portal Incident Created Notifies an SyteLine user that a new incident record has been entered on the Customer or Reseller portal. Also notifies the portal user who created the new incident record that the request has been received. To receive this alert, users must subscribe to PortalIncidentAlert. N/A
Notify Portal PO Requisition Line Approval/Rejection Notifies the Vendor Portal user when an SyteLine user approves or rejects their PO requisition line created on the portal. N/A
Notify Portal RMA Approved Notifies the Customer Portal user that the RMA request was approved. N/A
Notify Portal RMA Rejected Notifies the Customer Portal user that the RMA request was rejected. N/A
Notify Portal RMA Request Created Notifies an SyteLine user that a portal RMA request was made. Sends an RMA request confirmation to the portal user. Notify Users; Email Users
Notify Portal SRO Labor Transaction Created Notifies an SyteLine user that a service request order (SRO) labor transaction was submitted by a portal user. Also sends a confirmation to the portal user. To receive this alert, users must subscribe to PortalSROLaborTransactionAlert. N/A
Notify Portal SRO Material Transaction Created Notifies an SyteLine user that a service request order (SRO) material transaction was submitted by a portal user. Also sends a confirmation to the portal user. To receive this alert, users must subscribe to PortalSROMatlTransactionAlert. N/A
Notify Portal SRO Miscellaneous Transaction Created Notifies an SyteLine user that a service request order (SRO) miscellaneous transaction was submitted by a portal user. Also sends a confirmation to the portal user. To receive this alert, users must subscribe to PortalSROMiscTransactionAlert. N/A
Notify Portal Unit Registration Approval Notifies the portal user that a unit registration was approved. This notification is sent to the email address specified on the portal when registering the unit. N/A
Notify Portal Unit Registration Created Notifies an SyteLine user that a unit registration was created. Also sends a confirmation to the portal user, to the email address specified on the portal when registering the unit. To receive this alert, users must subscribe to PortalUnitRegistrationAlert. N/A
Notify Portal Unit Registration Rejected Notifies the portal user that a unit registration was rejected. This notification is sent to the email address specified on the portal when registering the unit. N/A
Notify RMA Created Notifies certain people when a new return materials authorization is created. Notify Users; Email Users
Notify Vendor Portal PO Line Promise Date Change Notifies a Vendor Portal user that their PO Line Promise Date change request has been received. Also notifies the SyteLine user that a PO Line Promise Date has been changed using Vendor Portal. Prompts for a Yes/No response to approve the change. Based on the response, sends an approval or rejection notification to the portal user. Notify Users
OpportunityDueAlert Alerts certain people when an opportunity has a projected close date equal to the current date Notify Users

Email Users

Retrieve Modified Property and Label Handles property and label retrieval for the modified properties when a request to change a company's information is made from the Vendor Portal. N/A
Send Email Regarding HR Status Activity Emails certain people when an external HR system adds or updates an employee record. Email Users
Validate EU VATIN Calls a Web Service to validate the VAT ID. See the help about the VAT Validation Button for more information. N/A

Picturing the Workflow

To see a flowchart of the steps in any of the workflow event handlers, select the event handler in the Workflow Event Handler Activation form and click the Event Handler Diagram button.

Formatting of Currency

When these workflow event handlers create notifications that include currency amounts, the amounts are minimally formatted. That is, they include no currency symbol and contain only a decimal point as a separator, for example, 260000.00000000. The large number of digits following the decimal point allow for different currency requirements.

Suspended Records

Some event handlers have actions that require approval from a manager before the process can complete. The handler suspends the data temporarily while the approval process takes place. When the user clicks save, a new record "disappears" from the screen or a changed record reverts and "locks" until a manager responds. If the record or change is approved, the user can refresh and see the record after it has been committed into the database. If the manager disapproves, everything is rolled back and the record or change is never committed. The suspend operation temporarily puts the record into a state where it cannot be viewed or changed by the user. This occurs immediately when the record is saved and is a normal part of the processing for the application event system.

However, your users need to know that records are suspended briefly whenever an event handler with a potential approval is involved in the processing. For example, you have required an approval for customer order lines where the discount is over 25%. When a line is created that exceeds this value, it goes through the normal approval process and is temporarily suspended, which the user will expect. However, if the user enters a discount of 10%, which does not require approval, and saves the record, the event handler still fires and immediately suspends the record for a short time while determining that the record does not require approval.

You must explain to end users that they may see a new record seem to "disappear" or "lock" while an event handler suspends it; however, refreshing the display causes the record to reappear or unlock after the event handler completes.