Troubleshooting the Help

If users request a help topic and receive an error (file not found), follow these steps to try to determine the cause. Most of these steps are possible only if your help is installed on-premises; otherwise, contact Infor Support for assistance.

  1. Verify that the user's browser has popups enabled.
  2. If the Help > Contents and Search menu option does not display a help topic, check the help settings in the Configuration Manager utility:
    1. Open the Configuration Manager utility.
    2. In the Applications tab, select your application and click Edit.
    3. In the Options tab, verify that the Help Server URL and Help Subfolder values match where your help files are installed on the application/web server. See Step 3 for details.
  3. If you request help on a specific form or field, or select a topic in the help search pane, and an error is displayed, verify that the full URL path is correct and that the help topic file exists in the en-us folder at the location specified by that URL.
    For example, if the help URL is http://servername/csi/10.x/en-us/csbiolh/cqt1466609601348.html, look in the application server under c:\inetpub\wwwroot\csi\10.x\en-us\csbiolh to see if the file cqt1466609601348.html exists.

    If the folder does not exist, check whether the help is installed in another folder on the server, or not installed at all on your server. By default, the help points to the Infor Documentation Central server (

    If the folder exists, and contains files, but the specific file for this topic does not exist, contact Infor Support.

    Note: Some business partner add-on modules might not include online help, which could generate an error. In that case, see the appropriate user guide instead of online help.
  4. If the user's environment is translated into a language other than English, check whether the URL is pointing to the appropriate language folder, and whether translated help is available.

    Translated help is available for these languages:

    • Chinese
    • French
    • French Canadian
    • German
    • Japanese
    • Spanish

    The Help Sub Dir and Override Middle Help URL columns on the Language IDs form are set to use en-us as the default help folder for all languages except the ones listed above. However, if the translated help for one of the above languages is not available for this user's application database - possibly because the translated help is not installed on the server - the system administrator can set the help for that language to English. To do this, go to the Language IDs form and change the Help Sub Dir and Override Middle Help URL values for that language to en-us.

  5. If translated help is displayed, but it is for an earlier version of the application, then one of these cases is true:
    • (For either cloud or on-premises help installations) Translated help is not yet produced for the current version, so the help is using the previous version of the translated help. If you do not want to use this version, you can reset the Override Middle Help URL column for this language on the Language IDs form to en-us. This allows users to view the current English help instead of the older translated help.
    • (For on-premises help installations) Translated help for this version is available on the Infor Support Portal Download Center site, but the system administrator has not yet replaced it on your application server. See the Installation Guide for instructions.

Be aware that fields on some forms do not have context-sensitive help by design; however, those fields should display the form-level help and not produce an error. In these cases, the form topic usually links to a task topic that describes the necessary fields.