
An upgrade takes a previous SQL version of SyteLine up to the version 10 base version. This is done with the upgrade.exe tool. If, after the upgrade, you need to take that base level of version 10 up to the current build, see the next section, "Uplift".
Note: If you had NextkeyPreGenerate logic defined in an earlier version and are now upgrading to version 10, you may lose that functionality requiring a reimplementation of NextKeyPreGenerate logic in accordance within AppColumn trigger execution. Know that:
  • App Column next key pre-generation code is no longer allowed. Any such logic must be absorbed into the appropriate generator procedure.
  • App Table Update All When must contain only a comma separated list of identifiers without quotes. These will be converted to VariableIsDefined(‘value’) calls during generation.
  • App Table Update RecordDate When must contain only a comma separated list of identifiers without quotes as above.
  • App Column next key generator must match one of these:
    • SetNextKey,N’literal’
    • OneSp,TwoSp where OneSp and TwoSp are valid stored procedures.
    • GeneratorSp <@name=value pairs> where GeneratorSp is a valid stored procedure.
  • App Column next key length must match one of these:
    • A positive integer.
    • A table.column where the table and column exist.
  • App Column post generation can only be valid @var=value pairs that will follow on the next key generator call. Any other logic or code is no longer permitted and must be absorbed by the sp.
  • App Column additional keys must be a comma separated list of column that exist in the base table.
  • App Column new key additional parameters must be @name=value pairs only.
  • App Column partition condition can be @name=value only.
Note: Read these steps carefully. If you are coming from any version of 7, there are additional steps to complete. Where that is noted, if you are not coming from a version of 7, you can skip that step.

Complete these steps to upgrade your databases to the version 10 base version:

  1. For users coming from a version of 7 only - If your current version is any version of 7, you must create an Objects database in version 10 before your databases are merged into an all-in-one database. If you do not have a Templates database, you must create one in version 10 before your databases are merged into an all-in-one database. To create these databases, you must use command-line via InforDBCL. For example:
    infordbcl.exe createdb -databasename:<database_name> -username:<db_owner_account> -password:<db_owner_pwd> -servername:<server_name> -dbtype:<db_type> -product:SL
    Substitute actual names in between < > to create the dbs. "Forms", "Objects", or "Templates" are the expected <db_type> values.
    While not necessary, you can also create a Forms database the same way you create an Objects or Templates database. Do this only if you do not want to keep any modifications you have made.
  2. Run upgrade.exe. Find this here - C:\...InforCSIInstaller.version\Server\WinStudio\Tools OR here (if you have already run the SVI) - C:\Program Files\Infor\CSI\Tools - the upgrade merges all databases (forms, application, objects, templates) into one all-in-one (AIO) database. For version 10, all four of those databases are required. If, in your previous version, you did not have a templates database, you must create one in that previous version first. See the Installation Guide for your version for information on how to create a templates database.
  3. If you have third-party applications installed that are approved for use with version 10, you must run the upgrade provided by the third party to upgrade to the latest pre-single version of that product. See documentation for those products on how to perform those upgrades.
  4. Once the upgrade has completed successfully for Infor SyteLine and all approved third-party products, run the DBValidator.exe. See the Database Validation and Prep Tool User Guide for instructions on how to use this tool. When successful, the databases are marked as "validated". At this point you are ready to begin the uplift to version 10. Note that a database that has not gone through the uplift is not a valid, working database. To uplift to the current build, continue to the next section, "Uplift".