Setup during installation

TaskMan is installed and configured as part of the SyteLine installation. We recommend that you install TaskMan on the application server. Much of the TaskMan setup is done behind the scenes. For more information, see the Infor SyteLine Installation Guide.
Note: This topic applies to only on-premises environments.

The installation process:

  • Installs TaskMan on the application server, which places the RunReport.exe program, the TaskMan.exe program, and other necessary files in the correct installation folder.

  • Sets up the following subfolders within the installationFolder\Report folder:

    • Errors: Errors generated during report processing are written to this directory, under subfolders that match the IDs of the users who submitted the reports (for example, \Report\Errors\johsmi).
    • OutputFiles: The finished report output files are written to this folder, under subfolders that match the IDs of the users who submitted the reports. File extensions such as .DOC or .HTM indicate the format of the report.
    • ParmFiles: This folder contains XML files containing report parameter information. These files are written to this directory, under subfolders that match the IDs of the users who submitted the reports (for example, Report\ParmFiles\johsmi).
    • Reports: All report definitions (.rdl files) are placed here.

    Error and output file names include the site name and task number, using the format taskname_site_tasknumber. If TaskMan is configured to run with two or more databases that have the same site specification (for example, test and production databases) and name clashes occur, a single digit is appended to the file name to eliminate the clash. For example: APWirePostingReport_OH_150844_2.

  • Creates TaskMan as a Windows service on the application server, set for automatic startup. If you enter a service logon ID and password during the TaskMan configuration part of the installation, that domain user ID and password are used to determine the Windows user account that controls the service.

    After installation is complete, you can also set the service logon ID and password from the Services dialog.

  • Determines which Strings table in the Forms database to use when displaying report form labels. This is a language-dependent setting that appears in the Sites/Entities form.

Note: In applications other than SyteLine, the Sites/Entities form is called the Sites form.

The Service Configuation Manager utility also allows you to configure additional OLE databases for monitoring by TaskMan. You can use this utility later in most operating systems under Apps. Online help is available.