Inbound BOD usage

This table shows the incoming BODs that SyteLine can accept. It also indicates, when possible, what area of SyteLine shows the processed inbound data.

Verb Noun Destination of processed data in SyteLine
Load BankStatement Bank Statements form, and A/P automatic payments generated
Process BillOfMaterials Engineering Workbench, Current Operations, Engineering Board
Process BillToPartyMaster Customers form and related forms
Process ChartOfAccounts chart table
Process CodeDefinition Depends on type of code
Sync CodeDefinition Depends on type of code.
Process ContactMaster Contacts form and related forms
Process CurrencyExchangeRateMaster currate table
Process CustomerPartyMaster Customers form and related forms
Sync EmployeeTimesheet Service order transactions, attendance, project Labor transactions, unposted job transactions (Indirect, Run or Setup)
Sync EmployeeWorkSchedule Employee absence/time-off forms
Sync ExpenseReport prtrx table
Sync InventoryAdjustment Miscellaneous Receipt and Miscellaneous Issue forms
Sync InventoryCount Miscellaneous Receipt and Miscellaneous Issue forms
Process ItemMaster Items form and related forms
Process PayableTransaction Updates Vendor Paid YTD, Paid Fiscal YTD and Last Paid Date
Sync Personnel Employees form and tables
Sync PlanningSchedule coitem table (blanket items)
Process ProductionOrder job table
Process Quote Estimates form and related forms
Acknowledge PulseAlert N/A
Process ReceivableTransaction Updates Customer Posted Balance
Sync ReceiveDelivery If Type=”Transfer” and Status=”Received” create transfer order receipt.

If Type=”Purchase Order” and Status=”Received”create PO receipt

If Type=“Customer Return” create RMA receipt

If Type=“Sales Order” create negative CO receipt.

Process Requisition preq table
Process SalesOrder Customer Orders form and related forms
Sync SecurityUserMaster coitem or trnitem table (depending on record type), last_external_shipment_doc_id
Acnowledge Shipment If Type=“Transfer” and Status=”Shipped” create Transfer Order Shipment

If Type=“Purchase Order” create Purchase Order Return

If Type=“Sales Order” and Status=”Shipped” create Customer Order Shipment

Sync Shipment coitem or trnitem table (depending on record type), last_external_shipment_doc_id
Sync ShipmentSchedule coitem table (blanket items)
Process ShipToPartyMaster Customer Ship Tos form and related forms
Load SupplierInvoice Creates an unposted AP voucher that must be manually cross-referenced to a PO.