Portal Administrator Home

The Portal Administrator Home form allows administrators to manage and monitor all portal-related events and notifications from a central location.

The SyteLine Portals use the SyteLine event system extensively. On this form, you can perform these tasks:

  • Quickly navigate to various SyteLine forms to set up a new portal user and manage various portal-related events.
  • See alerts related to executed portal events.
  • View portal statistics, such as the number of approvals pending with various SyteLine users.
  • Monitor metrics related to portal activity, such as the number of new RMA's submitted from Customer Portal and the number of contract price records entered on Vendor Portal.
  • View all portal-events-related Inbox messages for all users in one place. Portal-related Inbox messages have a category ending with "Portal". For example, all Customer Portal-related Inbox messages have a category of SyteLine Customer Portal and all Vendor Portal-related Inbox messages have a category of SyteLine Vendor Portal.
  • Change user approval assignments for portal-related events, as needed.

This form is not part of a permissions group. By default, any SyteLine user with super user privileges can access this form. For other users, an SyteLine administrator can provide access by using the Object Authorizations for User form, or by associating the Portal Administrator Home form to a group, which can be assigned to multiple users.